

My productivity today boggles the mind.

At least it boggles my mind how much more I get done - both for work and for my personal life - when I work from home, which is what I did today.

I worked remotely (also known as the most heavenly way of getting a job done) because I had to give my keys to the tow truck driver who was coming to take my baby away to the auto body shop and I also had to go to said auto body shop to fill out some paperwork (aka sign that I am - of course! - okay with somebody else's insurance paying to fix my front bumper).

So anyways I worked from home and, free from distractions I won't elaborate on at this time, probably got more work done than I ever do at work, plus I finally unpacked, did two loads of laundry, straightened my unruly mane, went to aforementioned auto body shop and cleaned my room.

All before midnight :)

See? Your mind is boggled, isn't it? I know.

And as I know most (i.e. probably none) of you are wondering what kind of wheels I am trolling around in these days, I'm gonna let you know that I went BIG. Even though Dipshit's insurance company paid for me to get the Standard Sebring, I decided to go premium (and pay an extra five dollars a day) to get a...wait for it...Honda Accord.

But she's beautiful, she really is. She's shiny and blue and, in her own compact car way, she reminds me of my Altima, so we are getting along swimmingly. I'm still not sure why its fun to drive a car that's not yours, even when I like my car better, but I am taking advantage of this "new car" business and driving Blue Beauty as much as possible...you know, in between working, doing laundry, straightening my locks, unpacking and cleaning my room.